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Formation DPC en Radiopharmacie, 29 juin 2018, Belle-Ile-en-Mer, France

Le Centre de Formation Permanente du CHU de Nantes, en partenariat avec le Labex IRON et le SIRIC ILIAD, a le plaisir de vous proposer la formation DPC intitulée « Radiothérapie interne vectorisée: aspects pharmaceutiques », le vendredi 29 juin 2018 de 8h30 à 12h30 à l’Hôtel Le Cardinal, Sauzon, Belle-Ile-en-Mer. Cette formation s’adresse aux radiopharmaciens, préparateurs en pharmacie hospitalière, médecins nucléaires, manipulateurs en électroradiologie médicale et internes. Les frais d’inscription sont de 250€ pour tous les participants (50€ pour les internes). Programme : Prog Radiothérapie Interne Vectorisée Inscriptions: Bulletin d’inscription CFP Pour vous inscrire et pour toute question: ou...

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Conférence ICOA juin 2018, Orléans, France

La conférence ICOA programmée en juin 2018 :  mercredi 6/06 à 11h00 salle des séminaires de l’ICOA Dr Gilles GUICHARD (Université de Bordeaux, France) « Molecular recognition and catalysis with helical foldamers »  contact:  Marie-Aude HIEBEL et Vincent ROY ICOA – UMR 7311 / Université d’Orléans rue de Chartres B.P. 6759 – F-45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France mailto: / tel: + 33 (0)238 49 45 72 / + 33 (0)238 49 45 75 Guichard 2018...

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Un article IRON d’excellence: Guo et al, Nature Chem 2018, 10:428-434

« L’astate plus fort que l’iode » La chimie de l’astate, élément chimique rare et radioactif, est encore méconnue. Dans leur travail publié dans la revue Nature Chemistry, des chercheurs des laboratoires SUBATECH (CNRS/IMT Atlantique/Université de Nantes), partenaire du Labex IRON, et CEISAM (CNRS/Université de Nantes) ont mis en évidence la capacité de l’astate à former de spectaculaires interactions par liaison halogène. Une propriété qui pourrait avoir des implications dans le domaine de la médecine nucléaire, notamment pour le traitement des cancers. Référence: Experimental and computational evidence of halogen bonds involving astatine Guo N, Maurice R, Teze D, Graton J, Champion J, Montavon G, Galland N Nature Chem 2018, 10:428-434 doi: 10.1038/s41557-018-0011-1 Guo et al Nature Chem 2018 Commentaires dans la revue C&EN Chemical & Engineering news: ici...

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Conférence ICOA mai 2018, Orléans, France

La conférence ICOA programmée en mai 2018 :  mercredi 16/05 à 11h00 salle des séminaires de l’ICOA Dr Ronaldo Nascimento de Oliveira XIE (Universidade federal rural de Pernambuco, Brazil) « Synthèse d’hétérocycles et applications biologiques »  contact:  Marie-Aude HIEBEL et Vincent ROY ICOA – UMR 7311 / Université d’Orléans rue de Chartres B.P. 6759 – F-45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France mailto: / tel: + 33 (0)238 49 45 72 / + 33 (0)238 49 45 75 Nascimento...

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7th international workshop on PET in lymphoma, october 4-6 2018, Menton, France

Dear friends and colleagues, We are pleased to announce the 7th international workshop on PET in lymphoma and myeloma (PILM), which will be held, as usual, in Menton in October 4th-6th, 2018. Now open to myeloma imaging since 2014, the meeting will dedicate a session to this topic as well as to the new criteria for PET in myeloma. The latter is a critical aspect of MM imaging to which some members of PILM scientific committee are currently dedicated. We will also devote an entire session to very interesting new tracers such as the radio-conjugate imaging CXCR4 and to their perspectives. Another session will address PET and minimal residual disease. Presentations of correlation between PET quantitative parameters and data obtained from molecular biology or liquid biopsy will be discussed as well as models relating PET metabolic tumor volume and tcDNA. A session will focus on the advances in volume and total lesion glycolysis and how it can be integrated within the prognostic indices. Moreover in 2018 the results from several important PET guided trials will be available and presented by the different cooperative groups. Another important new of the 2018 meeting edition will be the joint session with the international cancer imaging society (ICIS) whose annual meeting starts in that date. This joint session planned on October 7th morning will focus on Bone Marrow imaging in hematological malignancies. These and other innovative aspects of imaging (radiomics and radiomics associated to metabolomics) will contribute to maintain the high scientific level of the meeting, which used to be, along with the friendly and informal atmosphere of the scientific sessions the main characteristic of the previous workshop editions. Looking forward to meeting you in Menton. Michel Meignan Andrea Gallamini Corinne Haioun more information abstract submission deadline: may 20, 2018 to register (early bird before april 1,...

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Free 2-week course in radiobiology, SCK-CEN, march 12-23 2018, Mol, Belgium

Dear colleagues, From March 12 to 23, will take place at SCK-CEN, a 2 week course in radiobiology with particular emphasis on genetics, development, cognition as well as space-related health issues at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, SCK•CEN in Mol, Belgium. Link to the course: The course provides a comprehensive summary of the biological effects of radiation following medical (diagnostics and therapy), accidental, environmental and space exposures and is suited for MSc and PhD students as well as researchers and professionals interested in this field of radiation research. The course is financially supported by the EU H2020 CONCERT contract and recognised as a course of public utility for European citizens. Therefore, accommodation, lunches and registrations are covered by the Commission. Deadline for application is March 6. Best regards, Sarah...

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