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ClinMed2019_logo_small_1The Summer School “Integrating Clinical Knowledge in the Development of New Medical Devices, from Idea to Post-Market Follow-Up” extends to Tours.

Clin Med 2019, A NEW EUROPEAN SUMMER SCHOOL, supported by the national network of CIC-IT (Clinical Investigation Centers dedicated to Technological Innovations) will be in Tours!

The second edition of Clin Med 2019 European Summer School will take place from 2 to 12 July 2019. This Summer School is labeled by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT Health).

The event will take place in two steps: an immersive phase in various hospital sites or living labs, including the University Hospital of Tours, followed by a week of courses and project development workshops in Autrans (Vercors, Isère).

Details and online registration by following this link :