The « Tumor targeting & radiotherapies network » of the Cancéropôle Grand-Ouest is glad to announce its ninth international workshop dedicated to young researchers (PhD Students and Post-Docs). This workshop will be focused on “New Advances in animal Models and preclinical Imaging for translational Research in Cancerology” from the 30th of September to 3rd of October 2015 in La Turballe, west of France.
The main objective of this international workshop is to present the more recent contributions in imaging (multimodal and new imaging modalities: Nuclear, Magnetic Resonance, Optical and Photoacoustic Imaging), and in animal models (conventional, alternative and spontaneous) to improve the clinical transfer in oncology.
Overview lectures will be given by experts in the different scientific fields targeted by the workshop. A number of proffered oral presentations given by young researchers will complete the different scientific sessions. This workshop aims at sharing scientific results and at facilitating exchanges between experienced and young researchers in a fast advancing field.
In order to stimulate intense discussions between young and senior scientists, the total attendance is limited to a maximum of 60 persons.
30 travel grant awards are available for young researchers (PhD students and Post-Doctoral scientists). Each award consists of complimentary registration to the workshop, accommodation expenses, and up to 250€ contribution towards travel expenses.
This event will take place in Pen Bron Hotel in La Turballe at an hour and a half from Nantes in west of France.
Abstract submission:
Young researchers are asked to submit an abstract presenting their current research projects and results for one of the five scientific sessions of the workshop.
Please, submit your abstract before June 15th, 2015
Deadline for registration is June 15th, 2015.
Student/Post-Doc selected for oral presentation: Free
Other attendees: 490 €
Registration includes: Full accommodation/meals from Sept 30th dinner until Oct 3rd lunch.
Due to the limited number of attendees, an early registration and abstract submission is strongly advised.
More information, please visit:
We look forward to seeing you in La Turballe for a stimulating and enjoyable workshop.
The organizing committee