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ICOA conference october 2019, Orléans, France

ICOA conference october 3, 2019 :  11h00 salle des séminaires de l’ICOA Dr Yoann Coquerel (Molecular Sciences Institute, Marseille, France) « Management of molecular chirality: from small-sized rings to large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons » Contact:  Marie-Aude HIEBEL et Vincent ROY ICOA – UMR 7311 / Université d’Orléans rue de Chartres B.P. 6759 – F-45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France mailto: / tel: + 33 (0)2 38 49 45 72 / + 33 (0)2 38 49 45 75 Coquerel 2019...

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ICOA conference september 2019, Orléans, France

ICOA conference september 11, 2019 :  11h00 salle des séminaires de l’ICOA Dr Ronaldo Nascimento de Oliveira (Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brazil) « Synthesis of hybrid gluocoglycero-triazole / oxdiazole as biological molecules » Contact:  Marie-Aude HIEBEL et Vincent ROY ICOA – UMR 7311 / Université d’Orléans rue de Chartres B.P. 6759 – F-45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France mailto: / tel: + 33 (0)2 38 49 45 72 / + 33 (0)2 38 49 45 75 Nascimento...

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Thesis offer, Social Sciences and Management, IMT Atlantique, Nantes, October 2019

We offer a thesis proposal in the Department of Social Sciences and Management IMT-Atlantique (LEMNA) in Nantes. Subject: From the digital to the socio-organizational transformations of medical specialties: the case of nuclear medicine Detailed subject: here Beginning date: October 2019 Send CV, letter of motivation, letters of recommendation and transcripts of the last 3 years to Bénédicte Geffroy...

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Training in Radiopharmacy, June 14, 2019, Belle-Ile-en-Mer, France

The Permanent Training Center of the University Hospital of Nantes, in partnership with the Labex IRON and the SIRIC ILIAD, is pleased to offer you the training entitled « New PET tracers: the targets of inflammation and agonists of PSMA: radiopharmaceutical aspects« », Friday, June 14, 2019 from 8:30 to 12:30 at the Cardinal Hotel, Sauzon, Belle-Ile-en-Mer. This training is intended for radiopharmacists, hospital pharmacy technicians, nuclear medicine physicians, medical electroradiology manipulators and interns. Registration fees are 250 € for all participants (50 € for interns). Program: Prog2019_TraceursTEP Registration: Registration form To register and for any question: or...

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64Cu & 89Zr symposium, June 21 2019, Nantes, France

This international symposium will deal with different aspects on copper-64 and zirconium-89 from radionuclide production, radiochemistry, metal metabolism, preclinical and clinical studies, to radiation dosimetry. In order to promote discussions and fruitful exchanges, the symposium will proposed only invited lectures, one on copper-64 and one on zirconium-89 in each session, given by national and international speakers. A round table will be organized at the end of the day with all the invited speakers and the scientific committee. This symposium remains a unique opportunity to bring together opinion leaders and various actors in these fields. The symposium is organized by the Labex IRON in partnership with the IRC TransForMed, SIRIC ILIAD and GDRMi2B. It will take place on June 21, 2019 in La Cité, Nantes. Registrations: here More information and program: here The organizing...

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Workshop: Imaging of diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers in oncology, sept 25-28 2019, France

The « Tumour targeting, Imaging, radiotherapies network » of the Cancéropôle Grand-Ouest is pleased to announce its thirteenth international workshop dedicated to young researchers (PhD Students and Post-Docs) even so experienced researchers are invited to participate, which will take place from the 25th to 28th of September 2019 in Le Bono, West of France. 30 travel grant awards are available for the young selected researchers. The 13th international workshop edition entitled “Imaging of diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers in Oncology“ will confront the points of view and problems of the various disciplines, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Medicine, working for the development of imaging in Oncology. This workshop will focus on the latest advances in imaging techniques: PET, SPECT, MRI, US, Infra-red Bioluminescence, Fluorescence, Photoacoustic, CyTof Imaging, Microscopy, Spectroscopy and Raman Imaging. It aims to address innovative developments in chemistry (synthesis of tracers, chelates, contrast agents, fluorescent probes, etc.), biology (identification of new tumour targets, etc.) and physics (instrumentation, methodological aspects of image analysis, radiomics …), through the following sessions: Session 1: Contribution of imaging in diagnosis Session 2: Contribution of imaging in therapeutic follow-up and evaluation Session 3: Emerging imaging technologies Plenary lectures will be given by experts in the different scientific fields addressed by the workshop. A number of selected oral presentations given by young researchers will complete the different scientific sessions. This workshop aims at sharing scientific results and at facilitating exchanges between experienced and young researchers in a fast advancing field. To stimulate intense discussions between young and senior scientists, the total attendance is limited to a maximum of 65 persons. Awards: 30 travel grant awards are available for the young selected researchers (PhD students and Post-Doctoral scientists). Each award consists of complimentary registration to the workshop, accommodation expenses, and up to 250€ contribution to travel expenses. Candidates must submit an abstract and must be selected as speaker in one of the scientific sessions to benefit from these awards. Selected candidates will be notified by June 24th 2019. Location: This event will take place in the “Manoir de Kerdréan” in Le Bono, in the Gulf of Morbihan, at about two hours from Nantes in West of France. Abstract submission: Young researchers are asked to submit an abstract presenting their current research projects and results for one of the three scientific sessions of the workshop. Abstract must be in English and contain a maximum of 300 words. A template is available on the website at Abstracts will be selected on scientific quality and pertinence. Abstracts not relevant to this workshop will be rejected. The scientific committee will review all submitted abstracts and will determine which abstracts will be presented orally. Due to the limitation of the number of attendees, early registration and abstract submission are strongly advised. Please, submit your abstract before June 14th, 2019. Registration: Deadline for registration is July 5th, 2019. Student/Post-Doc selected for oral presentation: Free Academical...

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