ICOA conferences in june 2015 : wednesday june 3 11h salle des séminaires ICOA Dr Anne GAUCHER (Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yveline University, France) «Plateformes moléculaires simples au service d’architectures moléculaires complexes» wednesday june 10 11h salle des séminaires ICOA Pr Thisbe LINDHORST (Kiel University, Deutschland) «New thoughts about carbohydrate recognition: Organizing multivalency» Gaucher 2015 Lindhorst 2015 contacts: Marie-Aude HIEBEL et Vincent ROY ICOA – UMR 7311 / Université d’Orléans rue de Chartres B.P. 6759 – F-45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France mailto: vincent.roy@univ-orleans.fr / marie-aude.hiebel@univ-orleans.fr tel: + 33 (0)238 49 45 72 / + 33 (0)238 49 45...
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Cher(e)s collègues, chers ami(e)s, Les premières « JFMN » se tiendront à La Rochelle du 28 au 31 mai 2015. Elles sont le fruit de la coopération de la SFMN et de l’ACOMEN pour accueillir tout le monde de la médecine nucléaire de langue française en une manifestation unique en compagnie de nos amis de la SFPM et de l’AFTMN avec qui nous travaillons de longue date. Comme à son habitude, le comité scientifique sous la houlette de son président nous a concocté un programme de qualité que je vous laisse découvrir. C’est avec un très grand plaisir que je vous convie à venir y assister et y participer activement. Rémy Perdrisot – Président des JFM Plus d’informations: ici Programme scientifique:...
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Dear colleagues, On behalf of the scientific committee we have the pleasure to invite you to the 9th Symposium on Targeted Alpha Therapy. The symposium will be jointly organised by the Institute for Transuranium Elements of the European Commission, the Medical University Warsaw and Eckert & Ziegler Eurotope and will be held in Warsaw, Poland on May 19-21, 2015. In its traditional way, the symposium will offer a forum to present the newest developments in therapy with alpha emitters and provide the opportunity for lively discussions, scientific exchange and networking. Potential topics for presentation include clinical experiences with alpha emitters, preclinical research, radionuclide production, instrumentation and dosimetry. The symposium will be held in Palac Prymasowski (www.palacprymasowski.pl), starting with a welcome reception in the evening of May 19, 2015, followed by 2 days of oral and poster presentations on May 20-21, 2015. We sincerely hope that you will participate to make the symposium a success with your contribution. Please forward this announcement to any colleagues interested. A limited number of travel grants for young researchers will be available. Further details on registration and housing: here Scientific programme: Programme 9th symposium TAT Please mark your calendar for a visit of Warsaw in May 2015! Kind regards, Leszek Krolicki and Alfred...
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Dear colleague, A short reminder for our image guided intervention symposium on april 10 and 11th. Next to lectures there will be a possibility to obtain hands-on experience with a range of intervention modalities, among which a da Vinci Si robot from Intuitive Surgical, (laparoscopic) fluorescence cameras for Karl Storz and Hamamatsu, gamma probes/cameras for Oncovision and EURORAD, an optically tracked navigation system from Surgiceye and an ultrasound device with navigation option from GE healthcare. We therefore think this symposium should appeal to all interested in using imaging to guide interventions. Additional information on the speakers and hands-on sessions can be found in the attached symposium brochur: Symposium brochure or on our website www.interventionalmolecularimaging.com REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN AND CAN BE COMPLETED VIA THE REGISTRATION FORM: Registration Form We hope to see you in april! Kind regards, Tessa Buckle and Nynke van den Berg Event...
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ICOA conference in april 2015 : wadnesday 08/04 à 11h salle des séminaires ICOA Pr Patricia MELNYK (Université de Lille, France) «Stratégie de repositioning : la chloroquine, un hit à l’origine de nouvelles molécules anti-Alzheimer ?» Melnyk 2015 contact: Marie-Aude HIEBEL et Vincent ROY ICOA – UMR 7311 / Université d’Orléans rue de Chartres B.P. 6759 – F-45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France mailto: vincent.roy@univ-orleans.fr / marie-aude.hiebel@univ-orleans.fr tel: + 33 (0)238 49 45 72 / + 33 (0)238 49 45...
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Registration: here Registration fee payment: here The third edition of the Nuclear Technologies for Health Symposium (NTHS 2015), the international meeting on radiopharmaceuticals and nuclear medicine hosted by the IRON LabEx, will be held from 10 to 11 March, 2015. This year, a special issue covering the meeting highlights and research articles related to the communications of the meeting will be published in Frontiers in Medicine – Nuclear Medicine. Scientific sessions: Innovative tracers in neurology: from bench to bedside Multimodality imaging Theranostics in nuclear medicine Targeted radionuclide therapy Confirmed invited speakers: Pr Otto Boerman (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands) Pr Hank Kung (University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, USA) Dr Tom Bäck (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) Dr Frank Bruchertseifer (Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, Germany) Dr Claire Tabouret-Viaud (University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland) Scientific program: here Registration: here Registration fee payment: here More information:...
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