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ICOA conferences, october – november 2014, Orleans, France

Les conférences ICOA programmées en octobre – novembre 2014 : vendredi 17/10 à 11h salle des séminaires ICOA Dr Ivica BLAZEVIC (Université de Split, Croatie) «Chemical fingerprinting of plants: applications and potential» mercredi 22/10 à 11h salle des séminaires ICOA Pr Sandrine ONGERI (BioCIS, Université Paris Sud, France) «Comment étudier et inhiber des interactions protéine-protéine impliquant des feuillets béta? Développement d’outils peptidomimétiques» mercredi 05/11 à 11h salle des séminaires ICOA Pr Florence  PILARD (UPJV, Amiens, France) «Mimes de haut-mannoses: synthèse, caractérisation et reconnaissance par les lectines» mercredi 12/11 à 11h salle des séminaires ICOA Pr Sergey  KRYLOV (Univ. York, UK) «Kinetic capillary electrophoresis – An analytical swiss army knife» mercredi 19/11 à 11h salle des séminaires ICOA Pr Antony  FAIRBANKS (Univ. Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand) «Convergent synthesis of bioactive glycopeptides and glycoproteins» Blazevic 2014 Ongeri 2014 Pilard 2014 Krylov 2014 Fairbanks...

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ICOA conference, september 2014, Orléans, France

La conférence ICOA programmée en septembre 2014 : mardi 23/09 à 11h salle des séminaires ICOA Dr Jean-Claude Florent (Institut Curie, Paris, France) «Sondes glycolipidiques pour l’étude de l’endocytose de la toxine de Shiga. Criblage phénotypique de la méiose: découverte d’un composé antiangiogénique» Florent...

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Dalton Discussions DD15: Metal Ions in Medical Imaging, September 8-10 2014, York, UK

The programme of this meeting will be split across four themes: MR imaging probes, Radiopharmaceuticals, Optical Imaging, and Translational Applications, reflecting the key areas where inorganic chemists are contributing to imaging techniques, and where future applications are in development. For more details (call for abstract, registration, venue, …), please go to the web page:...

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2nd Nuclear Technologies for Health Symposium, February 12-14 2014, Nantes, France

The second edition of this international symposium will feature an exceptional scientific program dedicated to advancing the fields of neurological disease imaging, tumor imaging, radionuclide targeted therapy and related topics. This year the symposium is hosted by the Labex IRON and by the Nuclear Technologies for Health (NucSan) regional council project. Scientific program: click here  ...

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2013 Research Network on Antibodies and Therapeutic Targeting Forum, November 27 2013, Montpellier France

The research network on Antibodies and Therapeutic Targeting (GDR 3260 « Anticorps et ciblage thérapeutique ») is pleased to announce its 2013 Forum which will be held in Montpellier on November 27th. Devoted to therapeutic antibodies against cancer: tools and models to understand and improve their efficacy, the meeting will gather international experts who will exchange their point-of-view on the state-of-the-art and perspectives of this therapeutic...

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