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Conférences ICOA en Novembre 2013, Orléans, France

Les conférences ICOA programmées en novembre 2013 :   – mercredi 6/11 à 11h salle des séminaires ICOA Dr. Thierry BROTIN (ENS Lyon) « Cryptophanes: présent et futur »   – mercredi 20/11 à 11h salle des séminaires ICOA Dr. Dominique LESUISSE (SANOFI) « Approches nanotechnologiques pour la délivrance au cerveau de principes actifs »   – mercredi 27/11 à 11h salle des séminaires ICOA Prof. Jonathan P. CLAYDEN (Univ. Manchester) « Ureas and amides: conformation-induced reactivity and relay » Brotin 2013 Lesuisse 2013 Clayden...

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1er colloque français de chimie du fluor, 12-15 mai 2014, Gif-sur-Yvette France

Ce colloque du GIS Fluor invite la communauté des chimistes du fluor organiciens, inorganiciens, biochimistes et spécialistes des matériaux à partager les développements récents de leurs travaux dans une ambiance conviviale et un esprit transdisciplinaire. Les chercheurs du secteur académique ou industriel pourront échanger lors de présentations orales ou de posters et ainsi, jeter les bases de futures collaborations. Plus de détails :...

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9th Annual European Antibody Congress, November 11-13, 2013, Geneva Switzerland

The 9th Annual European Antibody Congress is the region’s largest event dedicated to scientific, technology and business development: an exhibition, a strategic keynote conference and real life case studies. You should attend to see the latest clinical data from a range of players working on next generation antibodies, to network with the leaders, influencers and key R&D scientists, to evaluate the latest analytical technologies for use in antibody development, to learn how to overcome challenges in manufacturing, to hear the regulators thoughts on how biosimilar mAb approval will affect the antibody...

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Inauguration du cyclotron Cyrcé, 18 octobre 2013

Le cyclotron Cyrcé, partie intégrante du réseau de cyclotrons du Labex IRON, a été inauguré le vendredi 18 octobre 2013, sur le campus de Cronenbourg (Alsace). Le cyclotron Cyrcé est le nouvel accélérateur de particules de l’IPHC destiné à la production de radionucléides et la préparation de molécules radiomarquées. Fleuron inédit de la pluridisciplinarité au CNRS et à l’université, orchestré par le monde académique, il fédère des équipes de physiciens, de (radio)chimistes, de biologistes et de médecins autour de programmes scientifiques. Objectif : participer aux avancées de la recherche médicale en France par l’étude du vivant, l’aide au diagnostic et l’évaluation de nouveaux médicaments. Dossier de...

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ICTR-PHE 2014, International Conference on Translational Research in Radio-Oncology and Physics for Health, February 10 – 14, 2014, Geneva Switzerland

ICTR-PHE 2014 (International Conference on Translational Research in Radio-Oncology and Physics for Health) will review the most recent advances in translational research in physics, biology and clinical oncology. Through the various sessions and symposia, the scientific programme will offer the delegates the opportunity to discuss, in a friendly atmosphere, the latest progress in physics breakthroughs for health applications. As the PHE part of ICTR-PHE 2014 will be discussed on February 10-11, 2014, consider also the opportunity to attend the 2nd Nuclear Technologies for Health Symposium that will be held in Nantes (France) from February 12 to February 14, 2014. ICTR-PHE 2014 abstract submission deadline : october 31, 2013    ...

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5th European Multidisciplinary Symposium on Liver-Directed Cancer Therapy using 90Y Microspheres, February 7-8, 2014, Rome Italy

The Symposium is designed to be truly multidisciplinary and aims to bring together all the relevant specialties that are involved with treating patients with selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT). The theme of the programme is « multidisciplinary working » which will further explore how all clinicians involved in the patient pathway can work together to optimize outcomes. The latest clinical evidence will be reviewed and consequently how SIRT can be integrated into existing treatment pathways will be discussed. Case study presentations will allow debate amongst a multidisciplinary panel and the audience. The Symposium is suitable for clinicians with variable experience of SIRT from those who are regular users to those who are interested in developing a new SIRT service at their hospital. Early registration fee until December 15,...

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