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NMB special issue: Radionuclide Therapy with Alpha-emitting Radiopharmaceuticals

SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED: january 7, 2022 Dear all (in bcc), I send you many greetings and hope, you are doing very well. I would like to inform you that we have a new call-for-papers available on the website. NMB is planning to publish a special issue about Radionuclide Therapy with Alpha-emitting Radiopharmaceutical together with the journals Applied Radiation and Isotopes and Physics Open You are very welcome to submit your articles. Please feel free to share the information with your network. For the moment we promote the issue with a submission deadline of beginning of October however, we will extend the deadline and are very grateful if we can welcome your manuscript. If you have questions so please do not hesitate to contact me. All the very best Silke Dr. Silke Guddat (she/her) Publisher, Journals, ELSEVIER Home based:  Jena, Germany T:  +49 174 344 22 73 E:...

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EMIM 2021, August 24-27 2021, Göttingen, Germany

Subject: Join & Present @ EMIM 2021 | 24-27 Aug. in Goettingen Dear Colleagues, In my capacity as Programme Chair, I would like to bring the upcoming European Molecular Imaging Meeting to your attention and encourage you to submit your work: The EMIM 2021 is scheduled for 24th to 27th August in the “City of Science” Goettingen, Germany – it would be simply great seeing your work there presented. Although we might face certain restrictions, we will do everything possible to make an in-person meeting possible. TIMELINE 2021 4th May | DEADLINE for submission Early June | Notification to presenters Further information on programme and submissions rules can be found at NEW in 2021 The Technology section is split into MICRO- & MACROSCALE TECHNOLOGIES There is a new category on LUNG IMAGING and A new one on IMAGE-GUIDED THERAPY – check out all abstract categories below* Any updates via and stay connected via Twitter @ESMI_society. Best regards, Sylvie Chalon UMR Inserm U1253 iBrain, Tours, France   *ABSTRACT CATEGORIES | EMIM 2021 CANCER IMAGING 1a          Understanding Tumour Biology 1b          Immuno-Oncology Imaging 1c          Imaging to Diagnose Cancer 1d          Imaging Cancer Therapy 1e          New Tools for Cancer Imaging NEUROIMAGING 2a          Structural & Functional Neuroimaging 2b          New Methods & Methodology in Neuroimaging 2c          Disease Models in Neuroimaging 2d          Neuroinflammation CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING 3a          Cardiac Imaging 3b          Vascular Imaging LUNG IMAGING 4            Lung Imaging IMMUNOLOGY/INFECTON 5a          Imaging Immune Response & Inflammation 5b          Imaging of Infection IMAGE-GUIDED THERAPY 6a          Image-Guided Drug Delivery 6b          Radiotheranostics 6c          Intraoperative Image Guidance 6d          Surgical Robot Vision METABOLISM 7            Imaging Metabolism PROBE/CHEMISTRY 8a          MRI | Probe Chemistry 8b          PET/SPECT, Radionuclide, X-Ray, CT | Probe Chemistry 8c          Optical | Probe Chemistry 8d          Optoacoustic, Ultrasound, Multimodal | Probe Chemistry MICROSCALE TECHNOLOGIES 9a          Cellular & Tissue Imaging Technologies 9b          Super-resolution & Nanoscopy Technologies 9c          FTIR-, Raman-, Optoacoustic & other photon-based Microscopy Techniques MACROSCALE TECHNOLOGIES 10a        PET/SPECT Technologies 10b        X-Ray Technology 10c        MRI Technology 10d        MRS/Hyperpolarization Technologies 10e        Ultrasound & Optoacoustic Technologies 10f         Optical Imaging, Cerenkov-, Radio- Luminescence & Near-Infrared Technologies 10g        Multimodal & Hybrid Technology Developments IMAGE PROCESSING 11          Image Processing &...

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Bono workshop, sept 22-25 2021, Le Bono, France

The « Tumour targeting, Imaging, radiotherapies network » of the Cancéropôle Grand-Ouest is pleased to announce its fourteenth international workshop dedicated to young researchers (PhD Students and Post-Docs) even so experienced researchers are invited to participate, which will take place from the 22nd to 25th September2021 in Le Bono, West of France.  If the workshop cannot take place face to face due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a digital format will be held. 30 travel grant awards are available for the young selected researchers. Deadline for abstract submission: may 17th, 2021. The 14th international workshop edition entitled “Adaptation of the tumour and its ecosystem to radiotherapies: Mechanisms, imaging and therapeutic approaches “ will confront the points of view and problems of the various disciplines, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Medicine, Computer science, working for the development of molecular and external beam radiotherapies in Oncology. This workshop will focus on the latest advances in molecular and external beam radiotherapies through a better understanding of adaptation of the tumour and its microenvironment. Progress of biological knowledge of tumour escape, heterogeneity and resistance allow others various disciplines to perform treatment using radionuclides or radiation. These aspects will be developed, through the following sessions: Session 1: Tumour adaptation to radiotherapies: biological aspects Session 2: Tumour adaptation to radiotherapies: contribution of imaging Session 3: Innovative radiation therapeutic strategies Session 4: Learning and data driven techniques Session 5: Futures challenges Plenary lectures will be given by experts in the different scientific fields addressed by the workshop. A number of selected oral presentations given by young researchers will complete four scientific sessions. This workshop aims at sharing scientific results and at facilitating exchanges between experienced and young researchers in a fast advancing field. To stimulate intense discussions between young and senior scientists, the total attendance is limited to a maximum of 65 persons. Awards: 30 travel grant awards are available for the young selected researchers (PhD students and Post-Doctoral scientists). Each award consists of complimentary registration to the workshop, accommodation expenses, and up to 250€ contribution to travel expenses. Candidates must submit an abstract and must be selected as speaker in one of the scientific sessions to benefit from these awards. Selected candidates will be notified by June 25th, 2021. Location: This event will take place in the “Manoir de Kerdréan” in Le Bono, in the Gulf of Morbihan, at about two hours from Nantes in West of France. Abstract submission: Young researchers are asked to submit an abstract presenting their current research projects and results for one of the three scientific sessions of the workshop. Abstracts must be in English and contain a maximum of 300 words. A template is available on the website at Abstracts will be selected on scientific quality and pertinence. Abstracts not relevant to this workshop will be rejected. The organizing committee will review all submitted abstracts and will determine which abstracts will be presented...

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PhD position, Chemical Biology, ICOA Orleans, October 2021

PhD position ICOA Orleans oct 2021 Subject: Synthetic methodology for the creation of carbon-astatine bonds. Development of new molecular platforms for the design of astatine-211 radiopharmaceuticals. Application: CV + a cover letter + grades (ranks) of M1 and M2 (or years of engineering school) Application deadline: april 30, 2021 Funding: LabEx IRON and LabEx SynOrg Starting date: october 4,...

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