Since 2013, the Labex IRON has been involved in a Master’s level training already belonging to the training offer of the University of Tours (Master Sciences, Technologies, Santé Mention : Biologie-Santé Parcours: Imagerie biomédicale) by adding a week of practical work on the automated syntheses of radiopharmaceuticals (Organization: partner 2 Arronax) and Teaching Units in Radiobiology.
Since 2016, the Labex IRON has been involved in the Nuclear Medicine DES (DES Médecine Nucléaire) by offering a complementary teaching UV 8-10: Therapeutic evaluation in oncology.
The creation of a specific course in Radiochemistry is one of the objectives of the Labex IRON educational project since such a course does not currently exist. The Labex recommends integrated teaching units in different masters:
- Master Chimie Parcours: Analyse, Molécules, Matériaux, Médicaments (A3M) Option: Radiochimie, Rayonnements, Radioprotection (3R) (Université Nantes)
- Master Sciences, Technologies, Santé Mention : Biologie-Santé Parcours : Imagerie biomédicale (Université Tours)
- Master Chimie Parcours: Chimie organique (Radiochimie, IRM, luminescence & fluorescence) (Université Caen Normandie)
- Master Biotechnologies Mention: Biotechnologie pharmaceutique UE: Drug design (Université Strasbourg)
Radiopharmacy, Nuclear medicine:
The Labex IRON recommends a course in radiopharmacy and nuclear medicine at the Master level and a PhD level in radiopharmacy with the following existing training:
- Master Sciences, Technologies, Santé Mention : Biologie-Santé Parcours : Imagerie biomédicale Master Imagerie biome_dicale (Université de Tours)
- Doctorat – Nanofar (cohabilitation Université Angers – Université Nantes)
Nuclear medicine
- Master Biologie Santé Parcours: Signaux et images en biologie et médecine (SIBM) (cohabilitation Université Rennes 1 – Université Angers – Université Nantes – Université Bretagne Occidentale)
- Master Imagerie Médicale et Radiophysique Parcours: SIA-AMS & RM-GBM (Université Toulouse III)
- Master Sciences, Technologies, Santé Mention : Biologie-Santé Parcours : Imagerie biomédicale (Université Tours)
- France Life Imaging (FLI) workpackage formation dans le domaine de l’imagerie: ici
The Labex IRON recommends a course in radiobiology at Master level with the following existing training:
- Master Biologie Santé Parcours: Signaux et images en biologie et médecine (SIBM) (cohabilitation Université Rennes 1 – Université Angers – Université Nantes – Université Bretagne Occidentale)
- Master Sciences Biomédicales spécialité Imagerie – Parcours Imagerie Biomédicale (Université Caen Normandie)
The Labex IRON recommends a course in radiophysics at Master level with the following existing trainings:
- Master Sciences Biomédicales Sciences Biomédicales spécialité Imagerie – Parcours Imagerie Biomédicale (Université Caen Normandie)
- Master Imagerie Médicale et Radiophysique Parcours: RM-GBM (Université Toulouse III)
- Master international – Sustainable Nuclear Energy – Applications and Management (SNEAM) : option Nuclear Technologies for Medical Applications (NUTMA) (IMT Atlantique)
- Master Physique Fondamentale et applications Parcours: Rayonnements Ionisants et Applications (RIA) (cohabilitation Université Nantes – IMT Atlantique)
- Qualification Diploma in Radiological and Medical Physics (DQPRM): this national diploma is compulsory for the practice of medical physics in radiotherapy and imaging. The admission of candidates to the DQPRM is only by competition.