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The Medical Imaging Center of the University Medical Center Groningen, will organize in Groningen, September 14th and 15th 2015 an international symposium entitled: ‘Medical lmaging of the Future: Consequences for Patient and Professional’.

Medical lmaging is rapidly changing and will continue to do so for the forthcoming years with consequent major implications in teaching and training. Hence, during the symposium we will address medical imaging from different perspectives: new camera technologies, new computer technologies, new imaging probes and new learning models. Moreover, in Medical lmaging in Europe the Netherlands is taking the lead in the development of a new program combining both the training in radiology and in Nuclear Medicine. This program is to be effectuated in 2015.

The international symposium will thus detail these trends from all the different aforementioned perspectives. Therefore, the symposium provides a unique platform for all involved in technology development and in medical teaching and training to be updated on the latestdevelopments, to envision the future, to account for the implications from different angles ofview and to develop an opinion through the expert lectures and discussion with peers.

This symposium precedes an inaugural lecture at the end of the last day of this 2 day symposium, of a new professor at the Medical lmaging Center UMCG, Prof. dr. Jan Pruim, whose chair will be focusing on these topics.

The inaugural lecture will  be in Dutch!

Find the second announcement: 2nd announcement Symp NGMB 2015-2

If you would like to participate, please fill out the registration form: Reg Form Symp NGMB 2015 b

and send it to:

We hope to see you in Groningen.

Kind regards,

The organizing committee