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Pr P. Damier

The Strategic Advisory Committee receives proposals from the IRON project manager and the Steering Committee to decide on general policy options, co-financing operations, as advised by the International Scientific and Technical Advisory Board. This committee meets once a year. The seven meetings were held on October 8 2013, October 7 2014, October 13 2015, October 14 2016, November 7 2017, October 30 2018, December 10 2019, December 1 2020, December 7 2021 and March 14 2023.

Composition of the Strategic Advisory Board:

Univ NantesArronaxCNRSinsermUniv Angers





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  • Representative of Atlanpole BiotherapiesBandeau Atlanpole
  • Representative of DRARI (Délégation Régionale Académique à la Recherche et à l’Innovation) – Pays de La Loire


  • Representatives of SATT (Ouest Valorisation, Conectus, Toulouse Tech Transfer) and C-ValoBandeau SATT bis