TP1 – Innovative theranostic radionuclide production and basic radiochemistry
One of the objectives of TP1 is to further explore the theranostic approach by considering the copper-64 (diagnosis) / copper-67 (therapeutic) and gallium-68 (diagnosis) / lutetium-177 (therapeutic) pairs. This TP will focus on developing production methods for copper-67 at Arronax and Cyrcé and gallium-68 at Arronax. Another objective is to continue the development of the radiolabeling chemistry of astatine-211, in particular by increasing knowledge of its fundamental properties and by theoretical studies of chemical stability modeling.
TP2 – Predictive PET imaging in multiple myeloma
The aim of TP2 is to develop new radiolabeled tracers targeting molecules of interest for PET imaging of multiple myeloma (e.g. Mcl-1). It also aims to determine the prognostic value of [18F] FDG PET / CT imaging in this pathology. Radiomics approaches will be developed from PET / CT images including textural features processed by machine learning and direct analysis conducted by deep learning.
TP3 – PET imaging in neurodegenerative diseases related to movement disorders
The goal of TP3 is to continue the development of radiolabeled tracers capable of detecting brain abnormalities before the occurrence of clinical signs. At the preclinical level, new tracers targeting neurotransmission (NMDA receptor for example) and abnormal proteins (such as alpha-synuclein) will be prioritized. An innovative clinical exploration that will combine PET imaging of different neurotransmission targets (e.g. DAT, NMDA, and mGluR5 receptors) with other imaging modalities, such as MRI, will be conducted.
TP4 – PET imaging of neuroinflammation and inflammation in oncology
One of the objectives of TP4 is to develop new radiolabeled tracers targeting a pathophysiological process common to oncology and neurology: inflammation. The choice of targets fell on molecules involved in signaling pathways (e.g. IDO / TDO) or purinergic receptors (e.g. P2X4). At the clinical level, a multi-tracer approach for PET imaging focused on the targets of interest in neuroinflammation (TSPO for example) and glutamatergic neurotransmission (for example NMDA and mGluR5 receptors) will be carried out.
TP5 – Hypoxia-based theranostic approaches
The TP5 aims to develop innovative approaches targeting hypoxia, a pathophysiological mechanism of poor prognosis and resistance to cancer treatments. These approaches will be based on the development of new theranostic tools (PET imaging and therapy) such as radiolabeled tracers targeting new molecular targets (for example HIF) and new radiopharmaceuticals (for example radiolabeled tracers based on nitroimidazole). Proof of concept clinical studies will also be conducted.
TP6 – Investigation of tumor and microenvironment responses after radionuclide therapy
The objective of the TP6 is to assess the added value of an innovative alpha targeted therapy (vectorized radiotherapy) through the design and injection of radiopharmaceuticals labeled with astatine-211 in various preclinical models of tumors whose therapeutic management must deal with distinct clinico-biological situations. The effects of alpha therapy will be measured on intrinsic and microenvironmental tumor responses.